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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lost love but hoping to find it

I heard this song today on the radio and loved the lyrics so I had to post them.

The song is The Love That We Lost by Chely Wright.

Going through old dresser drawers
Fumbling through there closets
It's got to be here somewhere
I know it's round here somewhere
Searching from room to room
We couldn't have just lost it
I know it's round here somewhere
It's got to be here somewhere
Maybe we packed it up with college books and winter clothes
Things we thought were in the way
Out of style or just outgrown
We didn't give it away
We just left it alone
We tried to find it one day
That's when we noticed it gone
I turned the house upside down
Praying I'd stumble across some sign thats it's still around
Got to find the love that we lost
Captured in old picture frames shinning in those faces
It used to be here somewhereI know it's still here somewhere
Reflected in our children's eyes
How could we misplace itI know it was here yesterday
How could it just slip away
it was more then just a box of junk we stored away to gather dust
This was a dream we thought we always could reach out and


  1. Hmmm...I don't know that song. But I *know* that song.

    You know? ;)

  2. I know and I did think twice about posting it. I just so love the lyrics so I decided to post. I hope they didn't upset you. Love you
