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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Here I Go Again

I couldn't swear on a stack of bibles that this was my first slow song but I did have a lot of slow dances to this song in highschool so it would be a pretty good bet that this is the song.

Love this prompt it brought back some awesome highschool memories that I hadn't thought about in it feels like forever.


  1. So c'mon, girl! Details, details! :D

  2. Really girl you have known me for way too long so I don't think I need to share plus its not like I was an angel in highschool. Maybe a story or two will follow at a different time.

  3. Well, I don't know you and I think you need to share details. :)
    Did it have anything to do with rolling about on the hood of a car? Isn't that classic Whitesnake moves?
