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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year new me

Last year I spent finding out who I was and how to be the best mother, friend, daughter, wife and still be me it was a great learning experieince and very empowering.

This year I am taking back my house. This means that my kids will have their space but all common areas need to be kept tidy. We can all work together and keep the house tidy which will help me with cleaning on weekends.

I have also decided that people in my life who bring me down or treat me like door mats are no longer allowed they either shape up or I'm done with them. I deserve to be treated like a valued person not an after thought.

It's been a rough year with my hubby being out of work but I've been able to have some time to step back and reflect and now I realize that we may not have money and have been fighting like crazy but through all of it we have grown closer, learned what our priorites are and best of all the entire family is pitching in with bills and spending more time together.

I guess letting go and letting God be in charge is a good idea not easy but still a good idea.

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