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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

God speaks

I was stuck in a major traffic jam this morning and the lord took this opportunity to speak to me about my boredom/restlessness.

I finally came to the realization that like a good garden that is tended with love and care I also have to take care of my life. If I'm bored or restless with my life or my husband then its my job to figure out why and fix it. At first I was like hey lord remember you didn't want me to jump through hoops to make everyone happy and he "bonked" me on the head. I can still shake things up without jumping through hoops. I have to get back to being the true me and then find some challenges in life and tackle them.

Being a wife, mother, friend, daughter, niece all of these things make up the best part of me but the absolute best part is how strong and honest I am. With these wonderful wisdoms from the lord I am going to shake things up at home in a good and positive way.

I also refuse to let this slump I'm in to get the upper hand so its getting a boot and I'm going to start enjoying life and be less busy. I so love this blog and thank my heart sister everytime I use my blog to vent or sort out life.


  1. You know something? I used to be really bored with my life, too. But I fill it with all sorts of things now, and people can play along or get out of my way!

    Good luck sorting out your emotions, darlin. You have a lot going on in your life right now between work/kids/money/'s no wonder you're feeling out of sorts. There's a lot to figure out. But you don't have to solve all your problems right at once. Pick small things that you have control over. Little triumphs give you a sense of accomplishment and keep you going for the bigger challenges.

    Love you and am always here for you. xoxo

  2. Thanks hon that is so true and I just have to remember it. Thank you so much for introducing me to the world of blogging it helps so much
