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Monday, July 4, 2011

Don't judge others

The talk around my house this weekend has been about the officer that died and the kids that killed him.

See my kids and some of my younger friends know the names and reputation of the kids that caused the accident. I got caught up this weekend in the blame and judging game. They did leave a women with no husband, two young children with no father and a community without an officer.

I heard this song today and the message made me realize that we should not judge these youths. We have no idea what they were thinking, what type of home life they have or even if they have role models. From what I've heard about this kids they don't have much of a home life or role models.

1 comment:

  1. I was talking to Brett on Saturday about this. There is nothing good in this situation anywhere, and I do feel that the kids involved should be held responsible for their actions...but I still feel for them anyway. I made a lot of dumb mistakes when I was fifteen, and I am lucky enough not to have to live with the consequences every day of my life. Definitely a heartbreak.
