I was equipped when I got married or so I thought. We took the marriage classes and they talked but all the relevant topics again so I thought. What they don't ask is do either of you have a mental illness (mild or not). This should be a required question and if the answer is yes they should give you coping skills.
You see I live with a great man when his moods are balanced. When his moods are not balanced things are not quite so great. He can hold it together at work and with our youngest but the rest of us are not spared. Now he doesn't get violent or nasty but he gets real quiet, very impatient and the littlest comment can start him on a tirade about how unfair his life is.
I have been with him for 13 years so I have learned how to handle the swings but there are weeks like this week that I just want to throw in the towel and have the husband that doesn't have to battle this monster but then I remember all the good things and remember that this is just a small piece of who he is.
It is very tiring emotionally and physically. I have learned to just let things slide when he is on a downswing but there are times that I think this is not fair I can't share the good or bad with him during this period. I am so glad that I have this blog so I can vent and it so helps with coping.
I am glad that he is my husband and I know we have a rock solid marriage but there are days that make it hard because mental illness is not talked about so there is nowhere to turn to get support when needed.
Thanks for letting me vent and put things in perspective
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